Google Classroom allows for teachers to easily engage students of all ages with digital tools. Sometimes I am asked if Google Classroom can be used when teaching young kids. YES! There are many Kinder and 1st grade teachers using Google Classroom with their students. Consistently using the same tool to pass out and collect makes the process of using digital resources easier for students and teachers.
Transitional Kindergarten
Christine Pinto (@pintobeanz11) tweeted out that she is having her transitional kindergarteners use Google Classroom to create a drawing with Google Draw. She created a blank Google Drawing and attached it to Google Classroom as “Each student gets a copy.” She brought the kids down to the computer lab to do the activity.
My TK class will be trying out their first assignment in #Googleclassroom manana #tkwithmisspinto #excited #anxious
— Christine Pinto (@PintoBeanz11) March 15, 2016
@MJmbmartinez12 @alicekeeler transitional kindergarten..kiddos that are 4 going on 5 years old
— Christine Pinto (@PintoBeanz11) March 15, 2016
@alicekeeler thanks for the good luck wishes. Kids did great..Found the assignment, added shapes, changed colors, and moved them around!
— Christine Pinto (@PintoBeanz11) March 15, 2016
@alicekeeler Next time I will model how to change shape size & encourage them to put shapes together to make a pic!
— Christine Pinto (@PintoBeanz11) March 15, 2016
Creating drawings from scratch is a great task, allows for ultimate student creativity. You can also provide a template for students to drag objects and model. Here is a sample Google Drawing activity where students can drag images of bears into a circle in the middle.
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@MJmbmartinez12 @alicekeeler thank you! I am BIG on GAFE tools and have been trying to find ways to use them with’s possible!
— Christine Pinto (@PintoBeanz11) March 15, 2016
@alicekeeler Awesome! Your dragging idea gave me the thought of dragging items to classify/sort shapes, numbers, pics of letter sounds, etc
— Christine Pinto (@PintoBeanz11) March 15, 2016