Thank you for subscribing to AliceKeeler Premium Add-ons.
You should receive an email from BirdSend with the email address newsletter@alicekeeler.com. If you do not receive the email please contact alice@fresnoteach.org with URGENT in the subject line along with an description that you are subscribed to the ADD-ON subscription and did not receive the welcome email.
Please check your spam to see if the invite email went there. If you are not a subscriber to alicekeeler.com/newsletter you are probably NOT already in the BirdSend system and will need to confirm via email that you want to receive emails from BirdSend. It may be helpful to sign up for the weekly newsletter.
Each week you will receive a new email with the Premium Add-ons password. This will change periodically. Please do NOT share this password, it is for premium Add-on members only.
Additionally the weekly email will notify you of any new Add-ons that you now have access to as well as any updates.
Note: This Add-on subscription does NOT come with support.
Full Premium Membership
For email support please consider becoming a Premium Member of AliceKeeler LLC. This includes all of the Add-ons, online workshops, drip workshops, webinars, office hours, weekly check in, and email support. – Full Premium Membership includes Premium Add-ons.