PUSH a Value to Other Sheets

Want to know how to copy a value to other sheets? Push cell value to all sheets by hacking Alice Keeler's Add-on. Use the feature to push the selected cell in a spreadsheet to the other sheets in the spreadsheet.
How to copy a value to other sheets
PUSH a Value to Other Sheets

If you use spreadsheets you may add a value to one sheet of the spreadsheet and then wonder how to copy a value to the other sheets. I have added a free feature to my Add-on Bingo by Alice Keeler. While the intention of this feature is to copy directions from one Bingo sheet to the other Bingo sheets, it will work with ANY spreadsheet.

Select a Cell in a Spreadsheet and send to the other sheets.

Hacking Alice’s Bingo Add-on

ANY SPREADSHEET! This does not have to be used with Bingo.

Playing Bingo is FUN! You can start a new spreadsheet and use the Add-on menu to select “Bingo by Alice Keeler.” This will allow you to create a list of words or terms and turn them into unique Bingo Sheets per student. AFTER creating the Bingo sheets, select any sheet and type in some text. Use the Extensions menu to select “Bingo by Alice Keeler” and choosing “Push Cell.” This will send the selected cell to all of the other sheets.

Extensions Menu select Bingo and choose Push Cell

If you are NOT using Bingo, that is okay! You can select ANY cell in your spreadsheet by single clicking on the cell. Use the Extensions menu and choose “Bingo by Alice Keeler” and choose “Push Cell.” This will send whatever value is in that cell to all of the sheets.

Value Only

Please note that this only copies the VALUE of the cell. It does NOT push the formula. It does NOT push the formatting.

Fast and Easy

Single click on any cell on any sheet. Use the menu to select “Push cell” and nearly instantly that value will show up on all of the other sheets.

NOT the First Sheet

Since this is designed to be used with the Bingo Add-on it is assumed that the FIRST sheet is your terms list. If you are on, for example, the 3rd sheet and push a value from that sheet it will copy to ALL of the other sheets EXCEPT the first sheet. If you want the first sheet to have the value copied also simply temporarily add a new sheet in the first position.

TemplateTab by Alice Keeler

One of my favorite things is to have ONE document with all students in the same document. What my free Add-on TemplateTab does is duplicates a graphic organizer per student. However, what if you want to make an update to each of the sheets created you can use the Bingo Add-on to push the VALUE of a particular cell to the other sheets.

SheetPusher by Alice Keeler

I also have an Add-on that is designed to create a separate spreadsheet per student. This is different from TemplateTab that creates a sheet per student in the same spreadsheet. After creating a spreadsheet and copying the graphic organizer per student, it is already built into SheetPusher to allow you to highlight a range of cells and push those cells to each students individual sheets.

How to Push Cell Value to All Sheets

How to Copy a Value to Other Sheets

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