MATH: Saving GeoGebra Files

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
MATH: Saving GeoGebra Files

I have really been getting into GeoGebra for teaching math.

Geometry Puzzles

I created several puzzles in GeoGebra for my students to show the properties of parallelograms.

Notice the GeoGebra file link in the speaker notes. I wanted all the puzzles together in one place so I used Google Slides. I was assigning only one puzzle per group to do on large chart paper. Putting the GeoGebra link in the speaker notes allows me quick access back to the GeoGebra file and also to make edits if I find typos.

Editing for Typos

Of course while I was making the answer key I found some typos. One thing I really like about Google Slides is that as of this writing I am not done with the answer key, however I can share the file anyway and it will always be the current version when you click on it.

Saving Files in GeoGebra


Being a Google user this has bit me in the bootie a couple of times and I lost everything. Be sure to save often.

Rename or Save

Like Google documents, I want to share a GeoGebra link on the Internet and have it update for everyone everywhere if I make updates.

When you save the file of you use the same file name it updates the file.

If you CHANGE the name of the file it creates a copy. As with all copies, if you modify the original file copies do NOT update. If you have distributed the original file to students and they saved their file, your updates will not reflect in their student copies.

Pro tip: be sure NOT to rename the file when you save a GeoGebra file if you have shared your file with colleagues or others on the Internet.

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