The Office is on Fire – Claim, Evidence, and Elaboration

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
The Office is on Fire – Claim, Evidence, and Elaboration

ELA Lesson: Claim, Evidence, and Elaboration

The art of the lesson plan is knowing your students and creating an engaging lesson for the students you actually teach. This is the problem with pre-made lessons from the publisher, they don’t know your students.

An English teacher, after noticing his students were really into the television show The Office created a hook for the lesson on Claim, Elaboration, and Elaboration. Using a popular reference his students were really into, students naturally lean into the activity. Start by showing the video of The Office. In Google Classroom assign each student a copy of the Google Slides template asking them to make a claim, provide evidence of the claim, and elaborate. If your students are not into The Office, teach the students YOU have! What are they into? What is a video you could hook them with to do this activity with?

“You are not allowed to turn something in without a peer comment on it.”

Have students share their Google Slides with a peer or group for them to leave a comment on “How can you help your partner improve their claim, evidence, and elaboration?”

Google Slides

Use this Google Slides template to have students use claim, evidence, and elaboration.


Click here for the Slides template

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Let’s Discuss

In Google Classroom, every assignment has a Google Drive folder icon. Open the assignment and underneath the Turned In count is the folder icon. Click on this to view all student Google Slides.

assignment folder in google classroom

Choose a few Google Slides to discuss as a class. Open the Google Slides from the Drive folder, this bypasses the feedback tool, and click the Present button in Slides.

“We are a community of learners who helps each other get better.”

As a class discuss how the claim, evidence, and/or elaboration could be improved. After going over a few as a class, ask students to update their own slides.

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