Teaching Math with Google Apps Book
Diana Herrington and I are finishing up the book “Teaching Math with Google Apps.” We have over 300 links, examples and resources in the book. If you are interested in being notified when the book is published please fill out the Google Form. In the meantime, follow the hashtag #googlemath on Twitter.
Going digital is not just a quest to be paperless. Using Google Apps to teach math helps you to connect with students, spend more time talking with students rather than at them, provide feedback faster, and address the 4 C’s: Communicate ideas, Collaborate, Critically Think, and Creative Thinking.
Book Recommendations
Check out the book Instance Relevance by Denis Sheeran. Making your math lessons relevant. Truly a fun read!
and Classroom Chef by John Stevens and Matt Vaudrey. Sharpen Your Lessons, Season Your Classes, and Make Math Meaningful.
If you have not yet read Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler run and get it! The best book I have ever read.
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