How Do You Learn New Ideas?
There are so many new possibilities for teaching. Blended learning, Common Core, DOK levels, Project Based Learning (PBL), Minecraft, Standards Based Grading (SBG), Student-centered classrooms, BreakoutEDU, making global connections, collaboration techniques and of course just using new technology.
Teaching is too hard to go it alone.
In the book “The First Days of School” Harry Wong advised teachers to “Steal, Steal, Steal.” See what other teachers are doing and steal it for your own classroom.
The hashtag #stealEDU is for sharing specific activities, lesson plans or lesson ideas that another teacher can use. If you have a lesson plan you are sharing, include the hashtag #stealEDU. If you see an educator tweeting an activity or lesson idea retweet it with the hashtag #stealEDU.
Blogs to Steal From
Educators who share what they are doing in their classroom allow us to “steal” their ideas. Many educator bloggers will provide templates and steps for how to do something similar in your classroom. Look beyond your own subject area, as a math teacher I got some of my best ideas from Kindergarten teachers.
Collaborative Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet below is a list of some educators who blog things you can take for your classroom. Please feel free to add to the list. https://goo.gl/1MDNKC.
View the hashtag and find some new ideas and educators to connect with.
#stealEDU Tweets
3 responses to “This Job is to Hard to Go It Alone – #stealEDU”
During one of your PDs you said the following, “When opening a google doc, hit enter a bunch of times so that you have regular formatting…won’t be messed up.” This is all that I wrote, so needless to say, I don’t remember what that meant. Please explain.
When you press enter in a Google Doc first thing, the font size and color and formatting are the default. So if I have enter enter enter enter below where I am working, if I mess up what I am working on, the regular formatting is below and not messed up. The enter enter enter enter trick works great for collaboration. I am in the habit of doing this with every document.
I wrote about the same thing in my blog a few months back. Hard to survive without others.