Flubaroo: Send Student Feedback to Google Drive

EdTech Books by Alice Keeler

  • Student Engagement
  • Google Classroom
  • Student Centered Classrooms
  • Google Apps for Littles
  • Math and Google Apps
  • Ditch That Homework
Flubaroo: Send Student Feedback to Google Drive


If you are not a Flubaroo user, you probably want to be. Flubaroo is an Add-On for Google Sheets spreadsheets that will automatically grade student responses to formative assessment submitted through a Google Form.

Flubaroo share to drive

Share to Google Drive

Previously Flubaroo had the option (and still does) to email students their results. Since not all schools have email turned on for students, this was not a good solution for all classrooms. Flubaroo recently added the feature to create a summary report on a Google Doc that is shared with the student through Google Drive. Click here to view the Flubaroo blog post.

Google Forms

Before using Flubaroo you need to create a Google Form as a formative assessment quiz/activity. Ask the question “First Name” and “Last Name” separately, this allows you to sort the results by last name. If you have multiple sections, ask for period to allow you to sort results by class period.

Answer Key

My favorite Flubaroo tip is that before you give the quiz to the students, YOU take the quiz first. In the “First name” question put “Answer” and in the “Last name” question put “Key.” This way the first result in the spreadsheet says “Answer Key.”
Answer Key

Add-On Menu

If you do not already have the Add-On “Flubaroo,” add it in the Add-On menu. Otherwise, find “Flubaroo” in the Add-On menu.
Grade assignent

Flubaroo can automatically grade student responses upon submission. Set this up in the “Advanced” options in the Flubaroo menu.

To grade student responses choose “Grade Assignment” in the Flubaroo menu.

Flubaroo allows you to grade some of the questions by hand if you have non-multiple choice questions on your formative assessment. Flubaroo really makes the most sense with multiple choice questions. I recommend you set up your Google Form with multiple choice questions as much as possible. With short answer, students can misspell the word and then it will be graded as incorrect by Flubaroo.
Grade by hand


Flubaroo creates a “Grades” tab that provides the overall score of
Grading Tab

Share Grades

After auto grading the student responses, you can send the results to the student. Go back to the Flubaroo menu and choose “Share Grades.”
Share Grades

As the teacher you have the option to share the grades through only email, through a report in Google Drive, or both ways!
Share results

2 responses to “Flubaroo: Send Student Feedback to Google Drive”

  1. Hi! I am new to Flubaroo and was wondering if you tend to reuse old assessments. The reason I ask is because I am hesitant to share results via Drive in the fear that current students may share results with next year’s students.

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