I think the only thing I like better than Super Sticky Post It Notes is lime green super sticky post it notes.
One thing I like to use my super sticky post it notes for is to create labels. I will cut off the sticky part of the note and fold it around all my cables so I can easily identify which cables are mine.
My husband and I do not mix up our Mac powercords and no one tries to accidentally pick up my iPad VGA adaptor. I also used different colored post it notes to label the cords in the back of my computer so I know which USB cord goes to the mouse vs. the keyboard vs. the printer.
2 responses to “Super Sticky Post It Notes as labels”
You know what’s amazing? The new full sticky notes… http://www.post-it.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Post_It/Global/Products/Catalog/?PC_7_RJH9U523000P60II85TCFL1863000000_nid=VX1KW40D4Cgs20914V5CD9gl2CXQBR47RPbl
You could then use one Post-It for many tags… Or in my class, we use them for words on our word wall.
Wow! That is amazing!!! Post it also makes post it labels that I love! They come in a variety of sizes and are 100% adhesive on the back. Those full size ones are not sticky on the edges, but I can see lots of awesome reasons for those notes. You’re costing me more money 🙂 http://www.3m.com/us/office/postit/labels/