I did not get to attend ISTE this year, good thing there is twitter. Here are some quotes from ISTE twitter posts.
- Want to start a WoW-based Project in your school? Here’s everything you need – http://edurealms.com/?p=392 #wowinschool #iste11
stevehargadon Steve Hargadon
dendari Brendan Murphy
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
tildee.com #EBC11 allows you to create steps with videos, images, docs, etc. Also see: http://tag galaxy.de picsrobdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
#EBC11 Web 2.0 smack down fifteen:udltechtoolkit.wikispaces.com tech tools by content arearobdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
#EBC11 web smack down fourteen: shmoop.com literature guides, various school topics organized by subjects #ISTE11robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
#EBC11 Web2 smack down twelve: qwertytown.com good for elementary keyboarding designed by a teacher. Also social networking toolsrobdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
#EBC11 Web 2 smack down eleven: lucidchart.com create flowcharts, graphic organizers, drag and drop flowchart symbols #ISTE11robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
#EBC11 Web 2.0 smack down nine: answergarden.com good for elementary students many can give answers, embed on web/blogrobdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
#EBC11 Smackdown eight: notoland.com put mashups together. Similar to prezi. Drag and drop from many other tools» -
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
#EBC11 Smackdown six: screener.com Make your own tutorials for students and parents. Recorded onlinerobdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
#EBC11 Web 2.0 smack down four: stencil.com create games, can help create iPhone aps with this #ISTE2011robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
#EBC11 Web 2.0 smack down tool three: schooltown.net LMS for elementary studentsrobdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.
danmcdowell danmcdowell
Use a Facebook Fan Page to connect to students #iste11 #ebc11 – here’s 20 ideas – add your own http://goo.gl/msjqV -
mcleod Scott McLeod
Really liked @stevehargadon‘s dam/schools metaphor: unleashing from behind structure releases energy! How will we utilize it? #ebc11 #iste11 -
KTVee Krissy Venosdale
- What I learned from @dianadell while she enjoyed her recliner during #ISTE11 goo.gl/KB5yi (WHOA – exc.list of growing resources!)
jpk38 James Kapptiedocs.google.com/document/d/1lr… #iste11 #edchat Collaborative notes, please share and add to. Lets learn from the whole as well as r parts!
davidwees davidwees
teachingwthsoul Lisa DabbsYikes! Sadness…RT @davidwees: All of the worst PD I’ve attended was driven from the top, from people outside of my school. #edchat #iste11
Does Google change our brain? Yes. But rain also changes our brain. Our brain always changes. #iste11 #istekeynote
k_shelton Ken SheltonDr. Medina just cited one of his critical rules in his book. The brain NEEDS exercise!! #ISTE11
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.#ISTE11keynote #ISTE11 Medina: emotional stability of home single most predictor of student success
markwagner Mark Wagner, Ph.D.BTW, Brain Rules is only $2.99 on Kindle: amazon.com/Brain-Rules-Pr… #iste11
John MEdina theory of marriage- What is obvious to you is obvious to you. #iste11 #istekeynote
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.#ISTE11 #istekeynote Medina: an effective teacher is one that can fill in the missing boxes in student brains
Any school that only emphasizes memorization (crystalized intelligence) is failing the human brain #iste11 #istekeynote
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.#istekeynote #ISTE11 Medina: if all u do in schools is memorize and not improvise, you are creating robots
coolcatteacher Vicki DavisI think that teachers who detect gaps in their own learning will be more useful educators if they take steps to “plug the gap.” #iste11
mcleod Scott McLeodRT @georgygrrl You have the right to live in a cave, but you don’t have the right to bring learners in there with you (@tomwhitby) #iste11
- Shane_Cross “@ncara: App for Common Core Standardshttp://t.co/NPbAHRF” #iste11 -7:48 PM Jun 26th, 2011
chrislehmann Chris LehmannConcern: We in the edu-tech community cannot keep excusing the gov’t for spending less money by saying we can innovate our way out. #ISTE11
jgvanides Jim Vanides
DoeMiSo Doe L ♫♪♫♪#iste11 Tammy’s fav tools. Really great stuff. Can’t wait to dive into these when home. bit.ly/jJn9Fk
dwarlick David WarlickNotes from Heidi Hayes Jacob’s presentation: http://goo.gl/x5QoF — 3 thumbs up! #iste11
AuntyTech Donna BaumbachAll the #ISTE11 tweets containing URLs archived here:http://bit.ly/mB3kX5 Good ref for those #notatiste11, too
NMHS_Principal Eric SheningerResource for school leaders to learn more about using social mediahttp://bit.ly/m6hpZn #cpchat #iste11
stevehargadon Steve Hargadon#isteunplugged Coming next in the live stream–helping students to become better web researchers isteunplugged.com #iste11
tonyvincent Tony VincentBest place for #edapp reviews is http://iear.org. It’s by teachers and for teachers. #inhand #iste11
ASCD ASCDAre we empowering & enabling students to create their own learning? 8 shifts for education http://bit.ly/jjuIpR #iste11 @willrich45
TeachaKidd ☆ Lee KolbertBig shout-out to @stevehargadon for all of his hard work in streaming #ebc11 and #ISTE11 Unplugged for those of us at home.
TeachaKidd ☆ Lee KolbertDr Medina’s keynote on YouTube http://youtu.be/tRJPWeqJ2U8Thanks #ISTE11 for posting these videos.
coolcatteacher Vicki DavisGoogle Advanced Search now includes Reading Levelhttp://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en @tammyworchester #iste11
coolcatteacher Vicki Davis
geraldaungst Gerald Aungst
geraldaungst Gerald AungstIt doesn’t matter how many walls we put around the garden, kids will get over, under, or through. Teach how to navigate the world. #iste11
isteconnects isteconnects837 views on the #ISTEflashmob video. People love to see teachers/educators dance #iste11 youtu.be/oae1e5qwDzY
coolcatteacher Vicki Davis“Seeing students as only a test score is the worst kind of identity theft we can commit.” @stephenrcovey #iste11
web20classroom Steven W. AndersonTeachers are not the smartest people in the room anymore and thats ok. @adambellow #techcommand #iste11
coolcatteacher Vicki DavisTeacher w/ good student relations, solid content knowledge, empowering admin, & quality tech use is unstoppable #iste11
jackiegerstein JackieGerstein Ed.D.
ingridtech Ingrid GustafsonHandy list of #education hashtags in Twitter from November Learning http://tinyurl.com/3kszbse #iste11
KellyMooreTK Kelly MooreCool Cat Teacher Blog: 15 Fantastic Ways to Use Flipboard 4 iP*dcoolcatteacher.blogspot.com/2011/04/15-fan… via @coolcatteacher#edtech #ISTE11
jessievaz12 Jessica V AllenGood point. Let’s use social networking to help students peer evaluate… Less work in the end for tchrs. #socmediste11 #ISTE11
sbehmer Stacy BehmerCurriculum tells you what to teach, but doesn’t tell you HOW you have to, make the shift to the 21st century learning environment. #iste11
floduarte floduarteright!“@EduTechSmith: what teachers want most from admins. — support for taking risks #iste11”
junebre June BreivikInterested in games & simulations for learning? Tryhttp://bit.ly/l5DNnv they need volunteers #iste11
Do we even teach science in schools? Or do we teach relationships between vocabulary? wees.it/o1 #pseudoteaching #edchat #iste11
stardiverr L. LeeWhy is homework measured in “minutes” or “pages” or “number of problems?” What if it were measured by amount of learning?
robdarrow Rob Darrow, Ed.D.#oli11 Asare: Dept of Ed: Access to Internet should be like access to water throughout US. #onlinelearning #ISTE11
cyberteacher Stephanie MadlingerGreat quote @myen RT @nykat4: when kids say they’re bored they are really saying how does this fit in the world @kevinhoneycutt #TTT #iste11
dwarlick David Warlick
MsSandersTHS Beth Ellen Sanderscreate products that MAKE A DIFFERENCE- communicate, collaborate, & create- lets get over the wow #ISTE11 #FLATCLASS
rgriffithjr Rob GriffithI like how @stevehargadon says teachers and admins both need to experience tech for themselves then utilize with others. #iste11
sammorra Samantha MorraRT @tonyvincent: Word cloud of favorite apps for project-based learning: http://bit.ly/iSZMze #iste11 #NJCC #edchat
ehrharta Adam Ehrhart
jackiegerstein JackieGerstein Ed.D.All schools should have tweetdecks flashed up on the wall with hastags from best minds/content areas.via Alan November
cyberteacher Stephanie MadlingerPowerful message from @chrislehmann this afternoon “Technology in school should be like oxygen~necessary, ubiquitous & invisible.” #iste11
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3 responses to “Stalking ISTE 2011”
I attended ISTE last year in Denver. Wow! I will click on a few of your web 2.0 tools and ideas listed and try them out. I worked as an ISTE volunteer and attended as many pre-1/2 day and full-day workshops. What a fabulous conference.
You get to be my first official non spam comment! Thanks for checking out my blog. I am continuing to add comments to this blog post. I’m hoping it will be a good resource for me later 🙂 Also, you should get an idea of the kinds of things I am into since I am hand picking the tweets 🙂