Teacher Tech blog with Alice Keeler

Paperless Is Not a Pedagogy

Alice Keeler

Math Twitter Hashtags

Math Hashtags
Math Twitter Hashtags
Math Hashtags

Follow These Hashtags on Twitter

How do you keep up? You can’t. There is no way we can know everything about teaching, about learning, and about mathematics. This is the beauty of Twitter. It is bite sized, 280 character or less, of learning.

Follow a Hashtag

A hashtag is a topic. When you tweet something it goes to the stream of your followers. If you’re new to Twitter you don’t have any followers. So how do you share your ideas? Use a hashtag. In Twitter you can search for a hashtag at the top of the screen and find people, who you do not follow and who do not follow you, tweeting about that topic. Include hashtags in your tweets, look up hashtags others are using. You can also click on a hashtag within a tweet to see more on that topic.


mathchat OR #youcubed OR #mtbos OR #mathworkshopchat OR #mathteacher OR #iteachmath OR #learnwithim OR #mathrecess


If you do not use something like tweetdeck.com to organize your Twitter life I would recommend. Tweetdeck allows you to set up columns so you can follow hashtags more easily.

Teaching Math with Desmos Workshop
Join an online workshop with Alice Keeler to learn about teaching with Desmos.


There are many math hashtags you can follow. You can have one column per hashtag or one column that shows all the hashtags. To do this, in Tweetdeck you must use capital OR between the hashtags. Now you have ONE math column that tracks many ways people would share about math.


Just getting into Twitter. Don’t yet feel comfortable sharing or replying to people on Twitter? No problem, RETWEET others. A retweet is the best compliment you can give on Twitter. Clicking the heart to like a tweet is nice but this just saves the tweet for you. Retweeting saying you like this idea so much you want to share it with others.

Keep Tweetdeck Open

Keep a tab in your browser with Tweetdeck open. No need to scroll, just pop over to Tweetdeck and read the first couple of tweets. I love to “steal” math problems from Twitter. If anyone tweets out “my students were so engaged with working through this problem…” Boom, I’m doing that. Free math activities that have been tried out by real teachers.

Tweets From the Last Hour

Here are a few tweets from the last hour while I was writing this post. Notice how quickly I can learn new ideas and be inspired just by taking a peek at Tweetdeck and my hashtags.

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