Scheduler by Alice Keeler collects NO user data. NO PII. This is designed for scheduling a fun day at a school. For example: There may be 20 fun things for students to choose from. Each fun thing has a max capacity. Not all students can do the cake walk at once! For the fun day you want to survey the students with which fun activities are their preference. Students will rank their 1st choice, 2nd choice, etc… Suggestion to have them rank more than are possible in case they can not get their top choices.
This is a Google Sheets™ Add-on. In the spreadsheet from the Form use the extension menu to setup Scheduler by Alice Keeler.
Scheduler will allow you to indicate how many sessions will be happening. For example, each fun activity might happen 5 times during the fun day. So students can do the cake walk the first session, or perhaps the second session, 3rd, 4th, or 5th session. A grid for the schedule is automatically created by Scheduler by Alice Keeler.
You will need a Google Form™ that collects email addresses and has exactly one question that is the type Multiple Choice Grid. The columns in the Multiple choice grid question should be the ranks such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc… The rows are what the students are choosing from.

The schedule tab created in the Google Sheets™ will show the Session 1, Session 2, etc… along with the list of activity choices from the Multiple Choice Grid form question. Fill out the schedule tab with session times, activity leader, activity room, and room capacities per session. A room capacity of 0 indicates that the activity is not available that session.
After students have filled out the Google Form™ to rank their choices, use Scheduler by Alice Keeler to create a list of students who filled out the Form.
Scheduler by Alice Keeler will automatically assign students to activities and sessions based on preferences and room capacity. A tab will be created with each session with a list of what each student is taking each session.
Use Scheduler by Alice Keeler to fill in holes for students who were not assigned an activity.
Send students an email and a Google Doc™ with their finalized schedule.
Export a Google Sheets™ spreadsheet per activity with the roster of attendance. Each session roster is on it’s own tab.