Thank you for your purchase of an AliceKeeler product. It may take a few minutes to process before you can see the manage subscriptions option on the subscriptions page.
Managing Your Subscription
If you have subscribed to an AliceKeeler product please visit to manage your subscription or license.
Manage Subscriptions will allow you to cancel your subscription.
Manage Licenses allows you to enter the email address of anyone who you are assigning a license. This is only if you purchased a domain license.
NO Google Drive or Workspace Data
NONE of the AliceKeeler products collect your user data besides your subscription information. We solely maintain a list of who has created a license or subscription. AliceKeeler LLC does not have access to any of your files or knowledge of your usage of files or applications.
AliceKeeler Premium Membership
A premium membership is different from a license or subscription. However, being a premium member gains you free access to all AliceKeeler subscriptions that are on the subscriptions page. Premium membership includes a weekly newsletter from Alice, access to office hours, and a weekly check in with Alice for support on teaching with AliceKeeler resources. Instead of subscribing to individual products on the subscriptions page you would use the premium member passcode. To inquire about premium membership please email